Moodmasks: Unmasking Emotions

  • Face masks have quickly become our new normal. But for many kids, wearing one can be a strange, even scary experience. As safe as they could be, wearing masks unable most of us to communicate as expressively as we used to as our facial expressions are all covered. We don't know if the person/kid standing next to us is happy, sad or angry. Apart from verbal cues, our facial cues are the easiest give aways. Making a mask a barrier that stops you from forming new connections because it almost signals a 'Don't talk to me' to the other person.

  • Designing a pack of masks that allows a kid to choose a mask based on how they’re feeling covering a range of emotions like Happy, calm, grumpy, silly, and nervous. Eg - Seeing a happy face on a mask, will make it easier for their classmates to approach and communicate with one another. Wearing these masks will allow kids to communicate better and give them autonomy over their own emotions.

    Illustration : Chris Haughton, Mr. Eamon
    Agency: Jones Knowles Ritchie

  • Key Concept, Art Direction